實體藝術+數字資產:The Ultimate Masterpiece Collection

在Opensea以數字錢包購買RWAT的用戶,請於購買後將個人聯絡資料E-mail、手提電話以及快遞地址發送到以下郵箱:Chain4art@gmail.com ,請務必注明購買的RWAT——“Gatherings”後面的版號數字。

Users who purchase RWAT with a digital wallet on Opensea, kindly send us your contact information including email, mobile phone number and courier address to the following email address after purchase, Chain4art@gmail.com. Please also indicate your edition number of your purchased RWAT - "Gatherings".

聚 Gatherings

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本次RWAT作品—《聚》,選自林天行最為著名的荷花系列,發行授權由收藏方明畫廊(llluminati FineArt)提供,經方正環球科技有限公司(Founder GlobalTech)按照億級以上像素標準進行數字檔案採集,確保1:1版畫細節精準。本次RWAT僅發行22枚,並獲得林天行同意對每一幅RWAT版畫均進行獨立二創,從一定程度上講,每一幅RWAT版畫都是獨一無二的,都是經過林天行手繪過的真跡作品,極具收藏價值與升值潛力。

This RWAT work - "Gatherings" is selected from Lam Tianxing's most notable Lotus series. The original artwork is authorized and provided by the collector llluminati Fine Art, which has been digitally archived by Founder GlobalTech in accordance with the standard of over 100 million pixels, with a view to ensuring accurate 1:1 print details. Only 22 RWATs would be issued for this particular artwork. Lam would individually hand-embellish and sign each RWAT print. Therefore, each RWAT print is a unique and authentic work hand-painted by Lam. It would have a precious value of collection and a great potential of appreciation.

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A Lam Tianxing RWAT costs HKD 10,000 or 0.39 eth. After purchase, RWAT holders will receive a delivery voucher minted on the blockchain, confirming that you will receive a physical print which is hand-embellished and signed by the artist six months after purchase.


During the 6-month waiting period for a delivery of the physical RWAT prints, llluminati Fine Art will distribute 60% of the royalties to RWAT holders, from which are the sales of non-signed prints of Lam’s artworks in mainland China. Both collectors and artists could enjoy the actual benefits to which the RWAT model brings the copyright value of original artworks. Kindly be noted that the purchase of RWAT corresponds to the collection of physical art prints. The associated royalties are only an additional bonus, which is equivalent to an extra discount for purchasing the prints. Please focus on the substantial artistic value of the prints. the same time, all RWAT holders would have a one-time right to give up the pre-order in the fifth month, with their initial pre-order payment refunded in full. However, the royalties received do not need to be returned, resulting in minimizing collectors' investment risks. The continuously published data on royalties could also serve as a valuation reference for collectors' decision to purchase prints or the associated original works.

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Prior to collecting your specific RWAT work, your own RWAT would only need to be transferred to our official address. An exclusive RWAT with the print of the same derivative work by Lam Tianxing would be provided as a genuine Certificate of Authenticity, along with delivering the respective signed and hand-embellished print.

如何購買RWAT?How to buy RWAT?


If you wish to purchase in Hong Kong dollars, please go to llluminati FineArt to purchase. The address is as follows: ILLUMINATI FINE ART, 31 - 33 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong

If you have a digital wallet and wish to purchase with cryptocurrency, please click the link below:


在Opensea以數字錢包購買RWAT的用戶,請於購買後將個人聯絡資料E-mail、手提電話以及快遞地址發送到以下郵箱: Chain4art@gmail.com ,請務必注明購買的RWAT——“Gatherings”後面的版號數字。

Users who purchase RWAT with a digital wallet on Opensea, kindly send us your contact information including email, mobile phone number and courier address to the following email address after purchase, Chain4art@gmail.com. Please also indicate your edition number of your purchased RWAT - "Gatherings".

Lam Tian Xing 林天行

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His works have been selected by the following reputable organisations to be displayed at: Hundred-year Chinese Painting Exhibition, the National Art Exhibition, the Thirty-year Art Exhibition of China’s Reform and Opening-up, the Shenzhen International Ink Painting Biennale, the Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennale, as well as he has participated more than a hundred joint exhibitions around the world.

His works have been collected by the National Art Museum of China, the National Painting Institute, the Guangzhou Art Museum, the Shenzhen Art Museum, the Shenzhen Art Institute, the Hong Kong Museum of Art, the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, the Government House, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council in Washington, Hong Kong Cathay Pacific Airways, Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong, Four Seasons Hotel Macau, Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong, Shangri-La Hotel, Beijing, United Airlines, Credit Suisse, Hong Kong Bank of China, etc., as well as many other institutions and private collectors worldly.

In addition, there are more than 20 publications of his collective works published.

1963 年生於中國福州市的林天行,原名林仚,1978 年始先後師從畫家吳國光、林光、陳挺、 劉牧諸先生學中國畫及西洋畫。1984 年移居香港後,仍繼續其中國畫創作,並活躍於香港 畫壇,並於 87 年作品入選香港當代藝術雙年展。1989 年北上修讀中央美術學院中國畫系山水畫工作室,受業於張憑、黃潤華、李行簡、賈又福、盧沈、周思聰、韓國臻、郭怡孮、 王鏞諸教授,系統性的學院訓練為林天行的創作奠定了紮實、廣泛多元的學養基礎;同時,80 年代末期受到西方現代美術思潮的影響,林天行逐漸開始了個性化的語言探索,他將中國畫進行解構,在被剝離的色塊和構成中尋找傳統山水畫的當代意味,同時又保留了筆墨 和筆性的運用,傳承了中國畫的靈魂和精粹。開拓了水墨重彩當代的獨特視野領域。影響廣泛。

天行曾在北京、香港、紐約、柏林、米蘭、新加坡、台北、首爾等地舉辦過個人畫展五十 餘次,作品入選百年中國畫展、全國美展、中國改革開放 30 年畫展、深圳國際水墨雙年展 等,以及世界各地聯展百多次。作品被中國美術館、國家畫院、廣州美術館、深圳美術館、 香港藝術館、香港文化博物館、香港禮賓府、香港駐華盛頓貿易發展局、香港國泰航空公 司、香港四季酒店、澳門四季酒店、香港文華東方酒店、北京香格里拉酒店、聯合航空公 司、瑞士信貸銀行、香港中國銀行等,以及許多中外機構與私人收藏。出版有個人作品專集二十多種。

林天行現為香港國際藝術交流協會主席、中國美術家協會會員、中國畫學會創會理事-香港 會副會長、廣東省美協藝術委員會會員、福建省美協理事、李可染畫院研究員、中國熱帶 雨林研究院常務理事、深圳畫院客座藝術家、香港四維彩墨畫會顧問、全國文聯委員、香港政府特首選委會委員(文化界代表)。